Program information

Christmas Park offers K4 in English with music and physical education as specialties. Our K5 program is bilingual. The specialties include music and physical education. Christmas Park offers students a bilingual program in cycles 1, 2, and 3. The specialties include music, drama, and physical education. Subjects covered in French include art, science, and social studies. English subjects include English Language Arts, math, physical education, drama, and music.

Approaches to Learning

Christmas Park is Working Towards Becoming Future Ready 

An Innovation Center has been created at the school where the students will be able to learn how to create, code and explore the world of robotics.

The center has a 3-D Lego wall, Dash and Dot robots, Gizmos and Gadgets, iPads, a green screen for filming and so much more.  

By creating and exploring in the Innovation Center the students will learn the skills of the 21st Century.

  1. Critical thinking and problem solving
  2. Collaboration
  3. Adaptability
  4. Initiative and entrepreneurship
  5. Accessing and analyzing information
  6. Oral language development
  7. Curiosity and imagination

The students will learn to become good digital citizens.
They will begin to develop their digital legacy.
They will become lifelong learners who are curious and seek answers to questions that interest them

What is the S’Park approach?

  • Combination of teacher and student-led programming.
  • Anecdotal feedback and ongoing assessment are the foundation of teaching and learning.
  • Collaboration, teamwork and sense of community are prioritized.
  • Parents are committed to being involved. School staff and families are equal shareholders. in each child’s education.
  • Hands-on projects, outdoor learning, community involvement, unique units of study.
  • Behaviour management reflects respect for each child and their personal growth; non-compliance is viewed as an opportunity to teach skills and solve problems.

What is Visible Learning?

John Hattie introduced the concept of visible learning.  When students create and are able to share their work they receive active, passionate, and engaging input from teachers, students, and peers, this encourages them strive to do their best. 

A Future Ready school works to make thinking visible through the 4 C’s.  Create, consume, connect and curate.  This is done through screencasting, creating videos, doing voice recordings and so much more.  All of which they can curate into their digital portfolio.